Chain of Changes
How quickly everything can change. One day you think that the sea is smooth and the sails are furled and less than a day later the sails are in tatters and the storm has passed over and you're trying to catch your breath.
The family grew the same day of the last post, and became oppressive because there was a terrible financial chasm growing between the debtors and the creditors, and I can only assume that the oppression was one of the reasons that the family of two that grew to five needed to shrink by one as of October 17. Isn't that strange? One month of growing darkness, squalls and eddies and now the sea has regained her calm, even if there is flotsam and jetsom to be pulled out and salvaged.
As life goes on, and I gather the crew for cleaning up and setting straight in the aftermath of this hurricane, I suppose that my heart is out there floating and will be recovered as part of the project. Today, it just is difficult to breathe at times, and I feel that catch at the back of my throat, but then I take the next right step and smile.
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